We’ve just launched the MCTE V3 (MovieClip Transition Effect V3), the one and only flash transition manager, with lots of included patterns and customizable presets, the MCTE is maybe the most important flash component that ever launched.

We’re now working on various custom patterns to add value to the MCTE V3.
Visit the MCTE V3 page.

The story of the MCTE V3

We wanted to help flash users to make show/hide MovieClip animations without knowing to code, in a fast reliable way. After we released the Square Effects component we started to think about a component that will be used for all possible transitions between 2 different states of a MovieClip and we came up with the idea of THE MovieClip Transition Effect (MCTE).

With lots of patterns, having their own presets, with some customParams, a general Gain parameter, and with customizable tweening, MCTE V3 is simply the most easy to use, the most customizable transition effect ever.

We are currently developing other cool effects for the MCTE so all previous customers will not need to learn new component models after using MCTE. Once you understand how MCTE works, you can use it for all your animations, both frame animations, and dynamic animations, and change the patterns and presets at a blink of an eye.

The mass preorder rate that MCTE encountered convinced us to develop further patterns and packages (Both AS2.0 and AS3.0) and to improve the MCTE in order to fulfill your needs; this is why we want to assure you that working with the MCTE will be an easy job.

One Response to “MCTE V3 – The one and only transition manager”

  1. Alin says:

    Have you guys checked out the MCTE and it’s patterns? I’ve played these days with it and I’ve discovered some nice effects…really smooth ones. Soon we’ll create an example page with our components “in action”. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

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