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TxEff AS3.0

(views: 38277)

TxEff is a AS3.0 Flash Component especially developed for web designers that need to include text animations within their Flash movies in a fast and reliable manner.

Setup properties don't display in the Component Inspector

(2008-05-29 - views: 11598)
Q: Why aren't the component's properties displayed in the Component Inspector panel, even if I have selected the component ?
A: The most probable cause is that you didn't select the actual TxEff component but one of the TxEff Patterns. Only the TxEff component needs to be placed on the Stage and only this one has properties to set. All the TxEff patterns you use need to be placed only in the Library. They do not have properties to be displayed in the Component Inspector panel.

This is the live preview of the TxEff and TxEff2 components (the ones that have properties displayed in the Component Inspector panel):

This is the live preview of a TxEff and TxEff2 pattern (actually TxEff2 uses FlashEff patterns) - it only needs to be in the Library, you don't really have to place it on the stage:
