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JC Thumb Viewer - Events

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | XML | ActionScript 3.0 usage | User Manual

Event Description
ASYNC_ERROR Dispatched after a AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR event has occurred while an item is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
CHANGE Dispatched when a new item is selected in the component, either by user interaction (clicking on an item) or by auto slide show (when autoPlay is set to true).
CONFIG_ASYNC_ERROR Dispatched after a AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR event has occurred while loading the configuration XML data.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
CONFIG_IO_ERROR Dispatched after a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event has occurred while the configuration XML data is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
CONFIG_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the configuration XML data has been completely loaded.
CONFIG_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading the configuration XML data.
CONFIG_SECURITY_ERROR Dispatched when the configuration XML data cannot load because of a SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR event.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
CONTENT_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the thumbnail scroller has loaded all of the items. If at least one of the items could not load, the event will not trigger, even if the next items were loaded successfully.
CONTENT_LOAD_PROGRESS Dispatched during the loading process of all the items.

- count:int - the number of items loaded so far.
CONTENT_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading the items (all of them).
INIT Dispatched after the thumbnail scroller has finished initializing.
IO_ERROR Dispatched after a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event has occurred during loading process of an item. If one of the items could not load, the thumbnail scroller will continue to load the rest of the items.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
ITEM_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the thumbnail scroller has completely loaded the item.

- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS Dispatched by the thumbnail scroller during the loading process of an item.

- bytesLoaded:Number - the number of bytes loaded so far.
- bytesTotal:Number - the total amount of bytes of the content loading into the item.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
ITEM_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading an item.

- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
ON_CLICK_ITEM Dispatched after the user clicks on one of the items.

- item:Object - a reference to the item that received the click event.
SECURITY_ERROR Dispatched after a SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR event has occurred while an item is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
SOURCE_ASYNC_ERROR Dispatched after a AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR has occurred while loading the source XML data.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
SOURCE_IO_ERROR Dispatched after a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event has occurred while the source XML data is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
SOURCE_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the XML data containing the list of items has been completely loaded.
SOURCE_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading the XML data containing the list of items.
SOURCE_SECURITY_ERROR Dispatched when the source XML data cannot load because of a SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR event.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | XML | ActionScript 3.0 usage | User Manual

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