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JC Thumb Viewer - ActionScript 3.0 usage

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | XML | ActionScript 3.0 usage | User Manual


Use JCThumbViewerScroller by Code

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to use the JCThumbViewerScroller component with ActionScript 3.0 code:

1. Create a new Flash ActionScript 3.0 file and set its frame rate to 30 fps. Open up the Components panel (Ctrl + F7 for Windows or Command + F7 for Mac), select the JCThumbviewerScroller component and drag it over the Library panel. Next, bring up the Actions panel (F9 for Windows or Option + F9 for Mac) and paste the following lines of code inside it.

2. Import the necessary classes for the JCThumbViewerScroller component and the JCThumbViewerScroller events class (JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;
import JCThumbViewerScroller;

3. Create and set up the JCThumbViewerScroller instance:

var myScroller:JCThumbViewerScroller = new JCThumbViewerScroller();
myScroller.x = 20;
myScroller.y = 20;
myScroller.setSize(510, 200);

myScroller.showLabels = true;
myScroller.scaleMode = "scaleCrop";


4. Listen for events triggered by the component:

myScroller.addEventListener(JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.CONTENT_LOAD_PROGRESS, loadingProgress);

function loadingProgress(evt:JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+evt.count+" items of "+myScroller.length);

myScroller.addEventListener(JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.IO_ERROR, itemLoadingError);

function itemLoadingError(evt:JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Error loading item with index "+evt.item.index);

myScroller.addEventListener(JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.CHANGE, itemSelected);

function itemSelected(evt:JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("The item with index "+myScroller.selectedItem.index+" is now selected");

5. Set the source property of the component. Once you set the source property, the JCThumbViewerScroller component will start loading the content:

myScroller.source = "source.xml";

6. Compile the application by hitting Ctrl + Enter for Windows or Cmd + Enter for Mac.


Property Type
JCThumbViewer Panel
_targetInstanceName String
The instance name of the target display object that will load the large images, video or other content associated to the items. That display object will act as a loader.
alignMode String
The type of horizontal and vertical alignment used for the content. Possible values are topLeft, topMiddle, topRight, centerLeft, centerMiddle, centerRight, bottomLeft, bottomMiddle, bottomRight.

The default value is topLeft.

Center the content (thumbnail images) inside the items:

myScroller.alignMode = "centerMiddle";
autoPlay Boolean
Specifies whether the component will automatically play a slide show by consecutively selecting the items.

If _targetInstanceName is set, the thumbnail scroller will automatically set the target display object's source property to load the content associated to the selected item.

The default value is false.

Set the scroller to automatically start the slide show:

myScroller.autoPlay = true;
autoPlayDelay Number
The time interval measured in seconds when the slide show will change the selected item.

The default value is 5 seconds.

Make the slide show play faster:

myScroller.autoPlayDelay = 2;
config XML/String
Sets the configuration xml for the component. In this case the component will be set up using the values in the xml data and will disregard any previous settings made from the panel or by using code.

You can also set up the component using external configuration XML files. In this case you need to specify the URL to that configuration XML file.

myScroller.config = "myConfig.xml";


myScroller.config = <config>
direction String
The way the items will be displayed in the scroller. Possible values are horizontal and vertical.

The default value is horizontal.

Set the items to be displayed vertically:

myScroller.direction = "vertical";
easeType String
The type of easing applied for the scrolling movement of the thumbnails. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut and easeNone.

The default value is easeOut.

Change the easing to easeInOut:

myScroller.easeType = "easeInOut";
firstVisibleItem int
The 0-based index of the first item visible in the thumbnail scroller.

The default value is 0.

Make the thumbnail scroller start with the third thumbnail being the first one displayed in the list:

myScroller.firstVisibleItem = 2;
itemHeight Number
The height of the thumbnails measured in pixels.

Note: For best results make sure the itemHeight matches the actual thumbnail image height in pixels and use the "exactFit" scale mode.

The default value is 100.
items Array
[read-only] The list of objects representing the references to the thumbnails. Each object is of type ScrollerItemModel. For details about the ScrollerItemModel class please refer to the section called Class ScrollerItemModel.
itemSpace Number
The size of the space between the thumbnails.

The default value is 5.
itemWidth Number
The width of the items measured in pixels.

Note: For best results make sure the itemWidth matches the actual thumbnail image width in pixels and use the "exactFit" scale mode.

The default value is 100.
length int
[read-only] The number of items in the list.
margins Number
The left and right side spacing of the component if the direction is set to horizontal or the top and bottom spacing if the direction is set to vertical.

The default value is 5.
navigationType String
The type of navigation used to scroll the list of items. Possible values are:
  • mouseRelative - the list will slide towards the first or last item, depending on the mouse position; the navigation stops once the list has reached the correct position, depending on the mouse pointer's coordinates over the component;
  • mouseAbsolute - the list will slide towards the first or last item without stopping, until it reaches the beginning or the end of the list; the direction of the sliding is given by the mouse position over the component and the speed of the slide is given by the distance from the center of the component to the mouse position;
  • scrollBar - the navigation is done using a scrollbar;
  • none - the component will not allow navigation from user input.

The default value is mouseRelative.

Navigate through the list of thumbnails using the scrollbar:

myScroller.navigationType = "scrollBar";

Note: When using the scroll bar as navigation type, a scroll bar will appear below the component (or attached to the right side). In this case the component's height (or width) property will have the same values as the component without the scroll bar, but visually, the component will have the scroll bar attached to the bottom or the right side, making it larger than the value returned by the height or width properties.
scaleMode String
The type of scaling applied on the content of the items (thumbnails). Possible values:
  • scaleCrop - scales the content so it fills in the entire size of the thumbnail and then crops the parts of the content that do not fit;
  • exactFit - resizes the content so that it takes the same size as the thumbnail - may distort the content if the thumbnail does not have the same size as the content;
  • maintainAspectRatio - scales the content so that it fits entirely inside the thumbnail - does not necessarily fill in the entire thumbnail;
  • crop - keeps the content at its original size and only displays a part of it, according to the thumbnail's size.

Note: Some filters will not work correctly with the scaleCrop and scale settings unless their refresh property is set to false (unchecked).

Note: For best results make sure the itemWidth and itemHeight match the actual thumbnail image width and height in pixels and use the "exactFit" scale mode.

The default value is exactFit.

Set the component to display the thumbnails inside the items maintaining the scale:

myScroller.scaleMode = "maintainAspectRatio";
selectedIndex int
Set or get the index of the selected item in the list. The index is 0-based, meaning that the index of the first item is 0, the index of the second item is 1 and the index of the last item is length - 1.

The default value is 0.

Select the last thumbnail from the list:

myScroller.selectedIndex = myScroller.length - 1;
selectedItem ScrollerItemModel
[read-only] A reference to the currently selected item. The reference is of type ScrollerItemModel and contains details about the thumbnail. For details about the ScrollerItemModel class please refer to the section called Class ScrollerItemModel.
showLabels Boolean
Specifies whether the labels associated to the items will be displayed or not. For horizontal thumbnail lists, the labels will be displayed below the thumbnails. For vertical thumbnail lists, the labels will be displayed next to the thumbnails, on their right side.

The default value is false.
source XML/String
The xml data containing the list of images and their information. You can also set this property from the JCThumbViewer Panel, by pasting the xml data into the source text field.

You can also set up the component using external XML files by specifying the URL of the source XML file.

myScroller.source = "mySource.xml";


myScroller.source = <source>
transitionDuration Number
The amount of time (measured in seconds) that the transition effect will use to complete.

The default duration is 0.5.
tweenType String
The type if tween used when sliding the list if thumbnails. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circular, Cubic, Elastic, Exponential, Linear, Quadratic, Quartic, Quintic, Sine and Strong.

The default value is Strong.
useSlideShowNavigation Boolean
Specifies whether to display the slide show controls or not. The slide show controls are play and pause buttons used to start or pause the slide show from within the component.

The default value is false.


Method Description
addItem Adds a new item to the end of the list.

- item:Object - the item that will be added to the list. The object passed as parameter should contain at least the URL of the external image of SWF file or the class name (linkage id) of the clip from the library as value of the property source.

Add a new item to the list:

var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.source = "myImage.jpg";
obj.label = "Ia sa vedem";
addItemAt Adds a new item to the list, in the position specified by the index parameter.

- item:Object - the item that will be added to the list. The object passed as parameter should contain at least the URL of the external image of SWF file or the class name (linkage id) of the clip from the library as value of the property source.
- index:int - the index in the list where the item will be added. If index is less than 0, the new item will be added at the beginning. If index is greater than the total number of items, the new item will be added to the end of the list.

Add a new item to the end of the list:

var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.source = "myImage.jpg";
obj.label = "Ia sa vedem";
myScroller.addItemAt(obj, myScroller.length);
clearSelection Deselects the currently selected item.
getItemAt Returns the item found at the index specified as parameter.

- index:int - the position of the item in the list

- ScrollerItemModel - a reference to the item object found at the specified index or undefined if the item doesn't exist. For more information about the properties of the ScrollerItemModel class please see the section called Class ScrollerItemModel.

Get the label of the last item in the list.

trace(myScroller.getItemAt(myScroller.length - 1).label);
getXmlSource Returns the XML object corresponding to the source of the items list.

- XML - the source XML object containing the list of items and their properties.
next Selects the next item from the list. If the item is not visible, the list will be scrolled.
previous Selects the previous item from the list. If the item is not visible, the list will be scrolled.
removeAll Removes all the thumbnails from the list.
removeItem Removes the specified item from the list.

- item:ScrollItemModel - the item that will be removed from the list. You can get a reference to a ScrollItemModel object by calling the getItemAt() method.

Remove the last item in the list.

var lastItemIndex:int = myScroller.length - 1;
removeItemAt Removes the item having the index specified as parameter.

- index:int - the position in the list where the item will be removed from.

Remove the last item in the list.

var lastItemIndex:int = myScroller.length - 1;
setSize Sets the size for the thumbnail scroller component instance.

- width:Number - the new width of the scroller component
- height:Number - the new height of the scroller component


Event Description
ASYNC_ERROR Dispatched after a AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR event has occurred while an item is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
CHANGE Dispatched when a new item is selected in the component, either by user interaction (clicking on an item) or by auto slide show (when autoPlay is set to true).

Find out when another item has been selected (either by mouse click or by auto playing the slide show):

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.CHANGE, itemSelected);

function itemSelected(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("The item with index "+ myScroller.selectedItem.index +" is now selected");
CONFIG_ASYNC_ERROR Dispatched after a AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR event has occurred while loading the configuration XML data.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
CONFIG_IO_ERROR Dispatched after a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event has occurred while the configuration XML data is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
CONFIG_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the configuration XML data has been completely loaded.
CONFIG_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading the configuration XML data.
CONFIG_SECURITY_ERROR Dispatched when the configuration XML data cannot load because of a SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR event.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
CONTENT_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the thumbnail scroller has loaded all of the items. If at least one of the items could not load, the event will not trigger, even if the next items were loaded successfully.

Get the overall progress of the loading process:

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.CONTENT_LOAD_START, loadingStarted);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent. CONTENT_LOAD_PROGRESS, loadingProgress);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent. CONTENT_LOAD_COMPLETE, loadingComplete);

function loadingStarted(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Started loading the content");

function loadingProgress(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+ evt.count +" items of "+ myScroller.length);

function loadingComplete(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("All the items are now created and the content is loaded.");
CONTENT_LOAD_PROGRESS Dispatched during the loading process of all the items.

- count:int - the number of items loaded so far.

Get the overall progress of the loading process:

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.CONTENT_LOAD_START, loadingStarted);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent. CONTENT_LOAD_PROGRESS, loadingProgress);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent. CONTENT_LOAD_COMPLETE, loadingComplete);

function loadingStarted(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Started loading the content");

function loadingProgress(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+ evt.count +" items of "+ myScroller.length);

function loadingComplete(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("All the items are now created and the content is loaded.");
CONTENT_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading the items (all of them).

Get the overall progress of the loading process:

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.CONTENT_LOAD_START, loadingStarted);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent. CONTENT_LOAD_PROGRESS, loadingProgress);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent. CONTENT_LOAD_COMPLETE, loadingComplete);

function loadingStarted(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Started loading the content");

function loadingProgress(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+evt.count+" items of "+ myScroller.length);

function loadingComplete(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("All the items are now created and the content is loaded.");
INIT Dispatched after the thumbnail scroller has finished initializing.
IO_ERROR Dispatched after a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event has occurred during loading process of an item. If one of the items could not load, the thumbnail scroller will continue to load the rest of the items.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.

Find out if one of the items could not load:

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.IO_ERROR, itemLoadingError);

function itemLoadingError(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Error loading item with index "+ evt.item.index);
ITEM_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the thumbnail scroller has completely loaded the item.

- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.

Let the users know how the loading process goes (how the content is loaded):

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_START, itemLoadingStarted);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS, itemLoadingProgress);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_COMPLETE, itemLoadingComplete);

function itemLoadingStarted(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Started loading item with index "+ evt.item.index);

function itemLoadingProgress(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+evt.bytesLoaded+" / "+ evt.bytesTotal +" so far");

function itemLoadingComplete(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Item with index "+ evt.item.index +" has loaded");
ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS Dispatched by the thumbnail scroller during the loading process of an item.

- bytesLoaded:Number - the number of bytes loaded so far.
- bytesTotal:Number - the total amount of bytes of the content loading into the item.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.

Let the users know how the loading process goes (how the content is loaded):

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_START, itemLoadingStarted);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS, itemLoadingProgress);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_COMPLETE, itemLoadingComplete);

function itemLoadingStarted(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Started loading item with index "+evt.item.index);

function itemLoadingProgress(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+evt.bytesLoaded+" / "+ evt.bytesTotal +" so far");

function itemLoadingComplete(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Item with index "+ evt.item.index +" has loaded");
ITEM_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading an item.

- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.

Let the users know how the loading process goes (how the content is loaded):

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_START, itemLoadingStarted);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_PROGRESS, itemLoadingProgress);
myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ITEM_LOAD_COMPLETE, itemLoadingComplete);

function itemLoadingStarted(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Started loading item with index "+ evt.item.index);

function itemLoadingProgress(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Loaded "+ evt.bytesLoaded +" / "+ evt.bytesTotal +" so far");

function itemLoadingComplete(evt: JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent):void {
   trace("Item with index "+ evt.item.index +" has loaded");
ON_CLICK_ITEM Dispatched after the user clicks on one of the items.

- item:Object - a reference to the item that received the click event.

Know when an item has been selected (clicked) by the user:

import com.jumpeye.Events.JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent;

myScroller.addEventListener( JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent.ON_CLICK_ITEM, itemClicked);

function itemClicked(evt:JCThumbViewerScrollerEvent): void {
   trace("The item with index "+ evt.item.index +" has been selected by the user");
SECURITY_ERROR Dispatched after a SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR event has occurred while an item is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
- item:Object - a reference to the item that generated the event.
SOURCE_ASYNC_ERROR Dispatched after a AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR has occurred while loading the source XML data.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
SOURCE_IO_ERROR Dispatched after a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event has occurred while the source XML data is loading.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.
SOURCE_LOAD_COMPLETE Dispatched after the XML data containing the list of items has been completely loaded.
SOURCE_LOAD_START Dispatched when the thumbnail scroller starts loading the XML data containing the list of items.
SOURCE_SECURITY_ERROR Dispatched when the source XML data cannot load because of a SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR event.

- text:String - the text displayed by the error message.

Class ScrollerItemModel

Property Type Description
callFunction Boolean Specifies whether there will be a function called when the item is selected.
callFunctionParameters Array A list of parameters passed to the function called when the item is selected.
content * The content associated to the item.
frame Number The frame number where the playhead will navigate when the function is selected.
functionName String The name of the function that will be called when the item is selected.
gotoFrameAction Boolean Specifies whether the Flash application will navigate to a specified frame when the item is selected.
index Number The index of the item in the thumbnail scroller's list.
label String The label corresponding to the item.
navigateToUrlAction Boolean Specifies whether a URL will be opened when the item is selected.
selected Boolean Specified whether the thumbnail scroller item is selected or not.
source String The source of the content loaded into the item. It can be the URL of an external image or SWF file or the class name (linkage id) of a clip from the library.
target String The target window where the URL will be opened if navigateToURL is called when the item is selected.
url String The URL that will be opened if navigateToURL is called when the item is selected.

The configuration XML structure

The configuration XML contains two nodes that represent the list of values for the component properties and the list of FlashEff2 filters and button effect patterns applied on the items.


The property values are specified as XML nodes having the same name as the component properties you want to set (<autoPlay>, <navigationType>, <scaleMode>, <toggle> and so on). Each property node has two more nodes: one node (<type>) specifies the type of the property (Boolean, String, Number, int or uint) and the other node (<value>) specifies the value for the component property. You cannot set Array or XML type of properties or read-only properties and you should only specify those component properties you want to set from the configuration XML.

or <navigationType>

The patterns node contains the list of filters applied over each item (like the reflection filter) and also button effect patterns that allow different up, over, down and selected states for the items.

The best way to get the XML structure of a list of patterns is to apply the filters and button effects using the JCThumbViewer Panel. Then, using the Copy button, copy the generated XML into the clipboard and paste it into a text editor. From that XML, simply select the <patterns> node with all of its contents and use it in your own configuration XML.

The source XML structure

The source XML contains a list of item nodes, each item node having extra child nodes representing the URL for their contents, text for the labels, any other extra parameters the user might need and also a set or parameters for the display object (for example a LoaderProV3AS3, JCLoader or JCPlayer component) specified at the _targetInstanceName property (this display object could load a larger version of the content - image, audio/video or another Flash animation).

      <label>Image 1</label>
            <function>myCallFunction(param1, param2, param3)</function>
      <label>Image 2</label>
      <label>Image 10</label>

The <item> node
The <item> node contains all the information regarding each item displayed by the component.

This node contains the URL of the image or .swf file that will be loaded into the items as thumbnails. If it is not specified, the item will be displayed without any content inside it.

This node contains the text displayed for the items - below the items if direction is set to "horizontal" or in the right side of the items if direction is set to "vertical". If it is not specified, the item will not display a label if the showLabels property of the JCThumbViewerScroller component is set to true.

This node contains one or more nodes representing the actions that should be executed when the corresponding item from the list is selected. Possible actions are open a specified URL, move the playhead to a specific frame number and execute a specified function.

Open a URL
For this, you need to add the <navigateToURL> node to the <actions> node where you will specify, using the <url> node, the URL that will be opened and, using the <target> node, the window into which it will be opened (possible values for <target> are _blank, _self, _parent, _top or the name of an HTML frame):


Navigate to a specific frame in the timeline
This action actually calls the gotoAndPlay() method and moves the playhead to the specified frame number on the timeline. You can only specify frame numbers and not frame labels:


Execute a specified function
In this case a user function will be executed by the component. The function must already be declared by the time the corresponding item is selected. You can also specify parameters for the declared function and you can use parameters of different type (String, Boolean, Number):

   <function>myCallFunction(param1, param2)</function>

This node contains other properties that will be set to the display object specified with _targetInstanceName. For example, in case you would use the JCLoader component to load larger images, you could specify the URL of the large image for the source property of the JCLoader instance. Also, you could specify a new size for that loader and maybe a new scale mode:


Besides these nodes, you can also specify other nodes representing extra properties for the items in the list, like extra descriptions for images (in which case you could use label as titles), prices displayed over the large images if the list would represent items from an online store or simply some other information you could use to execute different actions in your Flash application.

   <label>My photo</label>
   <description>This is some description of the image</description>
   <label>My video</label>
   <description>This is some description of the video</description>

These extra nodes will be then added as properties to the items and you can then retrieve their values: myScroller.selectedItem.description or myScroller.selectedItem.type.

This way, by verifying the value of the node <type> (actually by checking the type property added to the item), you could load the larger image or video into a different loader component: load the image into a simple loader and the video into a video player component, showing or hiding the appropriate component, according to the value of the type property.

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | XML | ActionScript 3.0 usage | User Manual

Thumbnail navigation component with scroller and dock views. The pack contains the .mxp install file, the documentation files and the sample files.
Thumbnail scroller and thumbnail dock views
Button mode effects (powered by FlashEff 2.0)
Filters (powered by FlashEff 2.0)
API for code manipulation
FlashEff-like configuration panel utility