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Usage and Code Samples for Waves Effect Pro V1 Flash Component

Horizontal Accordion Panel Pro V2 Usage

my_mc.waveMask(__width:Number, __position:String, __delta:Number, __growspeed:Number, __speed:Number, __preset:String, __direction:String, __appear:String);

__width: an integer that specifies the square width (and height) in pixels(will grow to the rounded value to cover the whole clip); works best with values from 3 to 100
__position: a string that specifies if the transition is horizontal('h') or vertical('v');
__delta: an integer that specifies the division(multiplying) factor; works best with values from 1 to 50;
__growspeed: an integer specifying the opening speed of the square; works best with values from 1 to 100;
__speed: an integer specifying the speed of duplicating squares; works best with values from 1 to 100;
__preset: a string for the preset you want to perform. available options: "normal", "extreme", "random", "one-one";
__direction: a string variable = the type of transition. available options: "forward", "back";
__apear: a string variable specifying that the clip is going to apear visible ('in') or to dissapear with the mask tweening('out');

Code Samples
