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MCTE V3 (MovieClip Transition Effect V3)

(views: 36202)

A transition effect component with lots lots of flash animation effects already included and lots of patterns sold separately. Here are all known common issues for MCTE V3, the custom patterns are treated here too. If you have any questions that you think we should discuss here please let us know. Write to support.

Transition between two movie clips using Blur

(2007-12-19 - views: 13327)
Q: How do you create a transition with Blur between two movie clips? I would like to see how you construct with and with out Action Script.
A: Like the Blur pattern, there a few other patterns that do not support transitions between two objects (transitionTo, transitionFrom and transitionThrough), only show and hide transitions on the target object. The file attached to this item contains two examples, one applying the Blur pattern between two movie clips using Action Script and the other is a frame by frame animation. The same principle applies to all the other patterns that do not support transitions between two different objects.
