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JC Panorama Hotspots

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | Hotspots | Editor

JC Panorama Hotspots

The hotspots are locations on the images that make up a panorama. Those locations could represent points of interest for the viewer watching the panorama and allow user interaction. A hotspot can only be added from the XML data of the panorama (an external .xml file or an XML object created by code).

A hotspot has the following attributes:
  • id:String - the id of the hotspot.
  • action:String - specifies the type of mouse event to which the hotspot will execute its actions. Possible values are press, release, over and doubleClick.
  • pan:Number - the horizontal angle of the panorama.
  • tilt:Number - the vertical angle of the panorama.
  • customIcon:String - the location where the icon should be loaded from. It could be the url of an external image or .swf file (if it has a file extension) or the class name of a movie clip from the Library. If the target file/movie clip does not exist or the path is incorrect, there will be no icon loaded into the panorama and further more, there could be an error message displayed.
  • fixed:Boolean - specifies if the hotspot will get distorted together with the panorama.
  • refresh:Boolean - specifies if the hotspot clip will be refreshed (useful when it is an animated clip)
  • type:String - the type of hotspot. Possible values are info, link and panorama.
  • panoURL:String - the url of another panorama which will be loaded if the action (mouse action) takes place on the hotspot.
  • linkURL:String - the url that will be opened if the action (mouse action) takes place on the hotspot.
  • target:String - the target browser window into which the link will be opened.
  • useHandCursor:Boolean (default = false) - specifies whether the hand cursor will be displayed when the mouse cursor is over the hotspot icon.

A hotspot XML node has another child node representing the description text associated to that hotspot. The description is displayed as tooltip when the mouse rolls over the hotspot icon.

<hotspot action="press" id="1" source="" pan="90.54545454545455" tilt="25.71428571428571" fixed="true" type="info" target="2">
     <description><![CDATA[This is the <b>description</b> of the hotspot which uses <i>html text</i>]]></description>

Virtual tours

The component contains a basic virtual tour which has the following features:
  • when a panorama hotspot is selected, the component loads the other panorama and applies a transition between the previously loaded panorama and the newly loaded one
  • all the virtual tours settings are made only in the XML data
Virtual tools are created using our JC Panorama Editor application.

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | Hotspots | Editor

The pack includes the .mxp install file, the AIR virtual tour creator and panorama editing software and the documentation files.
Planar, cylindrical, spherical and cubic panorama types
Virtual tours
User-friendly editor interface
The free version contains limitations and displays a watermark. This version can be used for trial purposes.
Planar and cylindrical panorama types only