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JC Flash Map Markers

Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | Markers

The Marker class

The markers are pins displayed on the map, associated to specific locations on the map. A marker is represented by an object of type Marker and has the following properties and methods:


  • id:String - the id of the marker. Must be set by you and there cannot be two markers with the same id.
  • lat:Number - the latitude coordinate of the marker.
  • lng:Number - the longitude coordinate of the marker.
  • point:LatLng - an object of type LatLng which contains the coordinates in latitude and longitude of the marker.
  • details:String - details or a short description of the location represented by the marker.
  • icon:String - the icon clip for the marker. Can be specified by a class name or the URL of an image.
  • iconAnchorX:int - the x coordinate for the anchor of the icon, inside the marker;
  • iconAnchorY:int - the y coordinate for the anchor of the icon, inside the marker;


  • Marker() - constructor for the marker object;
  • equals(other:Object):Boolean - verifies if the current marker is equal to another marker object passed as argument;
  • toString():String - returns the Marker object in String format with its id and point.

The MarkerColl class

A MarkerColl object is actually a list of Marker object that can only be accessed and managed through methods and not properties:


  • length:int - the length of the markers list
  • map:JC Flash Map - the reference to the map component instance


  • MarkerColl() - constructor
  • selectItem(item:Marker, force:Boolean = false):void - selects the marker passed as argument. If the marker is not visible on the map, it will center the marker on the map is force is set to true;
  • addItem(item:Marker):Boolean - adds a new Marker object to the list of markers and displays it on the map;
  • getItemAt(index:int):Object - returns the marker from the list that has the specified index;
  • findItem(id:String):Marker - returns the marker from the list that has the id specified as argument;
  • removeItem(item:Marker):Boolean - removes the specified marker from the list and the map and returns true if the removal was successful;
  • removeAllItems():void - removes all the items from the list;
  • updateMarkers():void - updates the markers visually (adds or removes them from the display).

  • Overview | Properties | Methods | Events | Markers

    Flash component to display online maps from all of the major map providers. The pack contains the .mxp install file, the documentation file and the sample file.
    Map providers: OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Microsoft Live Maps
    Several types of map, depending on each map provider
    Fully customizable
    Easy navigation within the map using drag&drop, double click, advanced controls
    Different levels of zoom
    The free version contains watermark and can be used for trial purposes only.