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Usage and Code Samples for Drop DownMenu Pro V1 Flash Component

Drop Down Menu Pro V1 Usage

From the properties panel you can customize up to 14 parameters, such as size, colors, title font, font size, tweening speed, rollover color, etc.
Resize Menu Component on stage to set the size. The height will be consider for item height, the width will be taken for menu bar length; if there are to many items for the length, 2 arrow-buttons will appear at the ends of the bar to help you navigate horizontally.

A basic XML content can be found here . The title attribute holds the name of the menu and submenu items. The functionName attribute holds the function name that has to be called on releasing the mouse over the specified item, you can specify parameters for the function exactly as you would call a function in actionscript (eg. function(param1,param,param3) )
The first item in the xml file will be the last one when the menu is loaded

There are 4 events broadcasted: onOpenMenu (with number-param: menu_number), onCloseMenu, onReleaseMenu and onReleaseSubMenu (with number-params: menu_number, submenu_number). Use a listener object attached to the drop down menu in order to retreive these events.
If you feel that this component does not meet the features described as you need it to, let us know. We'll try to improve the behaviors and functionality for the Version 2.0 Any usage method other than the one described before is purely speculative, and does not meet our recommendation of the use of product.

Code Samples

listener = new Object();
listener.onOpenMenu = function(menuNo) {
trace(menuNo+"menu opened")

listener.onCloseMenu = function(menuNo) {
trace(menuNo+"menu closed")

listener.onReleaseMenu = function(menuNo) {
trace(menuNo+" menu clicked")

listener.onReleaseSubMenu = function(menuNo, submenuNo) {
trace(menuNo+submenuNo+" menu clicked")

Here is how you need to customize the function calling method from the XML file:
From the XML file you can customize the names of the functions to be called on the _parent of your component in the flash movie. You can write whatever code you want in those functions... so you can put the code to call frames, or actions on other movieclips, or why not to refresh pages, just put all this code inside the functions that will be called from the menu.
in the XML file

.. submenu title="submenu" functionName="func(param)" ..

in the flash file

function func(param){
// do stuff